Many people want to make money online.
Some created a business by building a website to post different digital or physical products to sell. But, to make it known to the world, a lot of traffic is needed to get as many visits to their website as possible to end up in sales.
Many people, especially beginners, do many unnecessary things and often without relevant results to reach their goals. They struggle for months or years without results, and many do not want to learn to understand and open their minds to think positively.
If you’ve joined any system, don’t make the rookie mistake of giving up if you don’t get immediate results. To see good results in a business takes time.
Just as you were initially skeptical of other people’s products, others will be skeptical of the products you promote.
But with time, perseverance, and patience, you will win the trust of leads and will get excellent results.
Read everything with patience and more understanding, watch the explanatory videos, learn, and apply. See what others with experience are doing, and don’t give up until you get good results. If you don’t know something, ask and you will get an answer.
Read this free report and apply the ideas whenever you need them.
Most beginners are skeptical and turn into hedgehogs at any support offered, and after a few months or at most a year they give up. They say that everything is a scam and that it is impossible to make money online.
For more explanations, see below.
Intelligent and experienced people know that, in any business, you must work daily to be consistent, persistent, and patient. They are always looking for relevant solutions for their business.
Nothing is achieved overnight.
This is the only way to achieve success.
Smart people don’t give up easily. They inform themselves patiently and use tools and systems that help them work less and achieve success more easily. The biggest headache is getting relevant (targeted) traffic to convert into subscribers and then into sales.
But what is your goal for your business?
Your goal in internet business is to get as many leads, subscribers, and money from your sites or offers as possible. This is your target.
It is well known that paid advertising is to get targeted traffic. This paid traffic is much more effective than free traffic obtained from traffic exchange sites, and the results are excellent.
With free traffic from traffic exchange sites, you get many visits to your sites or offers as long as you click on other people’s sites, but the results are much less or often nothing at all. So free traffic is more of a waste of time.
If after 6 months or a year, you have not obtained anything, maybe it is better to replace your offers with others or to give up on that site.
So, paid traffic is much more effective to achieve your goal, that is to get subscribers and make money. But at what price?
Google Ads, Facebook, and others of this kind offer the possibility of paid advertising, but…
For those without experience who do not know how to set relevant keywords, the costs are high, that is, over $50 per day. So you might pay more for advertising than you earn.
The results are great for experienced marketers or companies because they know, how to reduce advertising costs using other paid or free traffic systems.
For people who do not have much experience, it was necessary to find a solution, that is, to get a cheaper system to get targeted traffic, that is, quality leads that want to get business ideas to make money.
This is how the MLGS (My Lead Gen Secret) website appeared.
MLGS is the most convenient solution that solves all these problems for only $1 per day.
What are the advantages offered by MLGS?
– the excellent source to obtain daily fresh leads;
– the opportunity to communicate daily by email with all your leads;
– the source of traffic to your website or your offers;
– excellent source to get followers to your systems to make money;
– excellent source to build your subscriber list;
– excellent source to make money from promoting your offers;
– excellent source to obtain recurring monthly income;
– $100 weekly bonuses.
– You save money and time for getting targeted traffic;
– ready-written emails that you can customize to your offers;
– You can consult the statistics of each message sent (number of opens, number of clicks);
– relevant guidelines for use and to be as efficient as possible;
– and many other information to get traffic, followers, leads, subscribers, and sales.
No other traffic site will offer you so many things, all in one place, especially 100 – 200 new leads daily.
Join MLGS, and, you have two opportunities to make money:
– use the compensation plan by attracting new subscribers to your team, and you will get recurring/passive income month after month.
– promote by email any valuable product you have to offer (your products or products obtained through the affiliate program), and you will make sales.
If you want to promote other people’s products with high commissions, join Clickbank, JVZoo, or Warrior Plus and set up your account with your chosen payment system (read their terms). There, you will find thousands of products for free, and with each sale, you will earn commissions between 40% – 80% of the product value. Or you can sell free products with the highest commission of 100%, offered by me.
Warning: don’t expect to make money promoting a product by sending a single email. You have to do a campaign promoting at least 4-5 times. Write different titles (subjects) that attract leads, read, and provoke curiosity. Write different content for each email. Write a few lines with explanations about the benefits of the offered product.
Then, promote another product through another campaign, then another, and the following month you promote the first product again (because in a month, you will receive thousands of new leads).
For more explanations, click on the links below and read everything patiently if you want to succeed. Please don’t rush.
If you want to get more information about MLGS, read this review from my experience of over three years using this excellent platform. Or see here other explanations about traffic.
You can also see here explanatory videos from the experience of others who have been using it for 4-5 years, what traffic they use, what products they promote, and how much money they make.
How do you achieve success for your compensation plan offered by MLGS?
MLGS offers a compensation plan for all subscribers who bring new members, paying them commissions every month (see their compensation plan here).
What mistakes do beginners make?
Many beginners do not want to learn and apply. They want to earn quickly, without concentrating on configuring a certain system.
They don’t click on links, they don’t read everything patiently and they don’t watch videos to be as well informed as possible. They lose a lot of information and do not apply because they do not spend more than 10 seconds on a page.
They are always in a hurry, they are too lazy to read and write, and if they fail, they quickly give up.
The harmful thinking of a beginner!
Many beginners think: “I received a new email, this man is trying to sell me something again. I don’t give him a penny, does he think I’m stupid?”
One even emailed me: “I joined you because you told me you would show me how to make money, and in fact, you want to sell me different things. You only want my money. Show me something for free if you want to help me make money, and when I have money I will buy something from you.”
I answered him: “I am an internet marketer, this is my job, and this is what I live for. All I have offered you are courses to learn and apply. For all this, I worked for many months and spent a lot of money. After you have configured everything, the money will come. But, I saw that you didn’t read most of the emails, only a few, and didn’t open any links. The links direct you to pages with lots of information and free lessons. So, you did nothing and lost a lot of information that could help you get what you want.
You want to get everything for free.
Now think the other way around and put yourself in my place. Would you work for someone for free? Would you offer your work for free?
Do you want to make money for free and without learning anything? Then, go to the free sites with ads, and with every click you make money. But are you happy to get only 2-30 dollars monthly?”
In the MLGS system, many focus on the compensation plan, meaning they want to get new members on the lines below them to earn recurring/passive income. That’s all very well, but…
They don’t focus on writing relevant emails promoting products to sell them (that’s where the big money is).
For those who can’t or don’t know how to write relevant articles and emails, it’s no problem. They can use ChatGPT – AI and in 3 seconds get any page they want. It is easy to use.
If you have registered with MLGS, you can do email campaigns to get new members who will be added to the levels below you.
You can run campaigns right on the MLGS platform and also advertise on many other traffic sites. Some of them offer the opportunity to promote products by e-mail to their subscribers.
Create your website pages (writing articles) just like the ones you saw in the links above, or you can create advertising pages offered for free by LeadsLeap or EasyHits4u (see instructions on each site).
See some examples: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, and page 5.
Some members who had good results created several MLGS accounts (from 3 to even 15 accounts), but not anyway. They applied a certain tactic to get a bigger list of leads, recurring income, and more sales. Even more interesting is that they do not pay out of their pocket for these accounts. See here dozens of comments about the success of others using this platform. This is proof that MLGS works great. See here for some explanations, or see Michael’s story.
Building more landing pages (using LeadsLeap) will increase the possibility of getting new members to your team. If you use LeadsLeap, you will have the opportunity to create a free autoresponder. Through this, you will be able to host your list of subscribers, and you will be able to communicate with them by email.
Do a lot of email advertising for each page and get as much traffic (visits) and subscribers as possible.
As I show you above, email advertising is much more efficient than free traffic, and it is more advantageous than paid traffic.
If you have read the pages recommended through the links above, and watched all the videos there, I have given you all the information I have about MLGS. If you are in too much of a hurry and don’t have time, see the video below with the most complete explanations. But keep in mind, the earnings shown in the video are only earnings from the MLGS compensation plan, and do not show earnings from other sources. In fact, the profits obtained are much higher from the sale of various products such as marketing courses, e-books, software, guides, marketing reports, and many others.
Use MLGS for free! You can build your monthly income with MLGS without paying the monthly subscription.
When you cancel the monthly subscription, you will stop receiving 100 new leads per day. Still, you can continue to promote MLGS and receive affiliate commission paid (because you will remain an MLGS affiliate).
If at any time you want to receive 100 new leads per day again (that is, to reactivate your account), you will not be charged the $30 setup fee again. At the same time, you will not lose the list of previously accumulated leads, it will become active again.
You can see other interesting news on LeadsLeap, under the reviews section. There you will see hundreds of reviews from those who have joined MLGS.
Some, to get more and faster leads, have created 3 to 15 accounts at MLGS. What is their thinking?
They did paid advertising on Google Ads and social sites and paid tens or hundreds of dollars a day. They spent a lot and the results weren’t great. Then they came up with the idea of cutting expenses and doing email advertising at MLGS, which gives them 200 leads per day per account.
Through this they obtained in 4-5 years, hundreds of thousands of leads and much higher earnings, reducing expenses to ads and traffic over 100 times. It’s great.
So, great money can be made if you have an open mind, courage, ambition, insistence, and patience.
Money is made easily on the Internet only by having the above qualities, learning, and applying. Read everything patiently, watch all the videos, and again, don’t rush. Do everything with great attention, understanding, and patience.
Follow and see what experienced people do, and do the same.
Your word is your magic wand!
Again. Promote whatever you have most valuable through email campaigns, write an attractive title, and write an emotional text that provokes curiosity, and your success is assured.
Do you want to try using MLGS, or have you used MLGS but had no success?
Join through my MLGS link and I will help you get subscribers to this excellent system. How will I do this for you? Click here and see this at the end of Michael’s story.
If you want to achieve great success, join and tell all your friends about this system through emails and social media sites. Tell them to join you, and then tell them to do the same.
Success is for everyone with an open mind, ambition, and the desire to achieve more.